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50 Banks in Frontier Markets of Europe & Central Asia (by assets)

Updated: Jan 17

This chart depicts the ranking of the top 50 banks (by their assets) in the ECA region as of January 1, 2023. Kazakhstan has the largest banking sector in the region, followed by Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The top 10 banks were Halyk Bank (KZ), PrivatBank (UA), Kaspi Bank (KZ), NBU (UZ), Bank of Georgia, TBC Bank (GE), Centercredit (KZ), ABB (AZ), Otbasy (KZ), and Oschadbank (UA).

In 1Q2024, ECA50 Plc will produce its debut annual banking sector report, covering over 200 banks in 10 countries in Europe and Central Asia (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia).

We intend to present the report at the Gulf Europe Central Asia Forum in Dubai in March 2024.

The table lists banks with their assets in million USD.


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